
Sensei Simon McMahon
Nov 27, 20052 min read
Charlotte Spurrell
I started karate in 1999 at the age of 11, shortly after my brother Josh. We began training at Emerson Valley School under the...

Sensei Simon McMahon
Nov 26, 20052 min read
David Guerin
I first got interested in karate as a result of watching my son at his first grading back in 1998. There were many students taking their...
Renshi Kidby
Nov 19, 20051 min read
Sensei Randall Course - November 2005
We were lucky to have Shihan Michael Randall 8th Dan, a Shotokan Karate Instructor with 40 years Karate experience again to take us...
Renshi Kidby
Oct 28, 20051 min read
Dan Grade First Aid Training
Every year, our Dan Grades attend the CFTS Dan Grade AGM to discuss various issues regarding the running of the CFTS Association. Two...
Renshi Kidby
Sep 23, 20051 min read
Area Gradings - September 2005
Well done to everyone who passed their grading! Keep up the hard work and remember to start working/practicing towards your next grading...
Renshi Kidby
Jun 24, 20051 min read
Area Gradings - June 2005
Grading time again! Well done to everyone who passed their Karate grading! Trophies were handed out to outstanding pupils in each club:...
Renshi Kidby
May 27, 20052 min read
Shihan Holmes Jyu Jittsu Course - May 2005
Shihan Holmes was invited again to teach another course. Aided by his usual style of wit, we were treated to a session of ground work...
Renshi Kidby
Apr 29, 20051 min read
Dan Gradings - April 2005
Many congratulations to all the successful candidates at the recent dan gradings held in Kempston last weekend. A very warm welcome to...
Renshi Kidby
Mar 26, 20051 min read
Area Gradings - March 2005
Time for another set of gradings in a cold March. Well done to everyone who passed. The standard of the students grading was good again....

Renshi Kidby
Feb 26, 20051 min read
Sensei Finch Course - February 2005
Sensei Finch came to Hastingsbury School again to give us a good afternoon's training. This year it was quite mixed; Sensei Finch taught...
Renshi Kidby
Jan 1, 20051 min read
2005 Courses
Upcoming courses for this year: Please be aware of the following regarding ALL courses; Tickets must be purchased in advance from your...