Fumio Demura’s ‘Karate Weapon of Self-Defense’ Book Series
'The Weaponless Warriors' - Book Review
Five Years One Kata Book Review
Wrong Fu - A Book Review
Shotokan Karate Dictionary - Schlatt
Dynamic Karate - Sensei Masatoshi Nakayama
A Shotokan Karate Book of Facts - Leyton, Nursey and Randall
Karate - My Life - Kanazawa Hirokazu
The Advanced Shotokan Handbook - Gurshuran Sahota
A Shotokan Karate Book of Dates - Leyton and Randall
Martial Arts of the Orient - Peter Lewis, and The Ultimate Book of Martial Arts - Fay Goodman
Karate Do - My Way of Life - Gichin Funakoshi
The Kanazawa Years: Reminiscence by Sensei Randall (8th Dan) - Dr. Clive Layton
The Shotokan Handbook, or Beginning to Black Belt - Gurshuran Sahota
Okinawan Karate - A History of Styles and Masters - Christopher Clarke
Moving Zen
In Funakoshi's Footsteps by John Van-Weenen