
Sensei Simon McMahon
Oct 10, 20141 min read
Dan Gradings - October 2014
Congratulations to CFTS's newest Dan grades, who, after an arduous Saturday 11th October 2014 morning, were awarded Shodan. Well done to...

Sensei Simon McMahon
Sep 12, 20142 min read
Kyu Gradings - September 2014
The September gradings crept up on many students who were ill prepared. Some had not been training enough over the summer due to being...

Renshi Kidby
Jun 13, 20141 min read
Kyu Gradings - June 2014
Congratulations to all students who passed their kyu gradings! The weeks following the grading should not be viewed as rest periods -...

Renshi Kidby
Apr 4, 20141 min read
Dan Grading - April 2014
Four candidates nervously arrived at Balliol School for a nine o'clock start to their Shodan Grading. David Thomas, Elliott Thomas, Zoe...

Renshi Kidby
Mar 1, 20141 min read
Kyu Gradings March 2014
Congratulations to all students who passed their kyu gradings! The weeks following the grading should not be viewed as rest periods -...

Renshi Kidby
Dec 14, 20131 min read
Milton Keynes and Bedford Area Gradings - December 2013
Congratulations to all students who passed their kyu gradings! For those going for 3rd kyu, you should know the Dojo Kun in both Japanese...

Renshi Kidby
Oct 12, 20132 min read
Dan Gradings and AGM - October 2013
On October 12th, CFTS Dan grades met up for the Annual General Meeting and training day. However with a new twist the day started with...

Renshi Kidby
Sep 13, 20132 min read
Milton Keynes and Bedford Area Gradings - September 2013
Congratulations to all students who passed their kyu gradings. As it usually happens at this time of the year, the numbers were down but...

Sensei Simon McMahon
Jun 14, 20131 min read
Milton Keynes and Bedford Area Gradings - June 2013
Congratulations to all students who passed their kyu gradings. Generally the standard was good. Remember to visit your dojo as often as...

Sensei Simon McMahon
Mar 9, 20132 min read
Area Gradings and Dan Gradings - March 2013
Early in March students from all areas had the opportunity to further progress along their karate journey by taking their next grading....

Sensei Simon McMahon
Dec 2, 20121 min read
Milton Keynes and Bedford Area Gradings - December 2012
The December gradings passed without any major incidents. Generally, a good standard was evident all round. The trophy winners were as...

Renshi Kidby
Oct 12, 20123 min read
Dan Gradings and AGM - October 2012
Once a year, the CFTS Executive holds a morning's training session on a subject that is considered vital to the progress and continuing...

Renshi Kidby
Sep 14, 20121 min read
Milton Keynes and Bedford Area Gradings - September 2012
The September gradings over the weekend of 15th and 16th passed without any major incidents. Although there were a few less grading this...

Renshi Kidby
Jun 15, 20121 min read
Milton Keynes and Bedford Area Gradings - June 2012
The June Kyu gradings were well attended and the standard was good, although in some cases more work was needed and a lot of comments...

Sensei Simon McMahon
Mar 24, 20121 min read
Dan Gradings - March 2012
Only a couple of weekends after the Kyu gradings, nervous candidates met up at Balliol Lower School in Kempston for the black belt...

Renshi Kidby
Mar 11, 20121 min read
Milton Keynes and Bedford Area Gradings - March 2012
On the weekend of March 10th and 11th, a large number of CFTS students met at various venues across our area for grading. Generally the...

Sensei Simon McMahon
Dec 10, 20111 min read
Bedford and Bletchley Area Gradings - December 2011
The Bedford and Bletchley area kyu gradings were held recently. It was a good turnout at both venues and the standards were high....

Renshi Kidby
Oct 14, 20111 min read
Dan Gradings - October 2011
Dan gradings take months of mental and physical preparation. You need to be physically fit, have good understanding of karate theory, and...

Sensei Simon McMahon
Sep 9, 20112 min read
Bedford and Bletchley Area Gradings - September 2011
The Bedford and Bletchley area kyu gradings were held recently. It was a good turnout at both venues and the standards were as high as...

Sensei Simon McMahon
Jun 10, 20111 min read
Bedford and Bletchley Area Gradings - June 2011
The Bedford and Bletchley area kyu gradings were held recently. Congratulations to all that passed! The area trophy winners were as...