
Graham Wakley
Feb 13, 20102 min read
Kahon Katei Course - February 2010
As part of Sensei Liam O’Reilly's 5th Dan grading, he was asked to organise a CFTS course - which is no small undertaking. After...
Renshi Kidby
Jan 1, 20101 min read
2010 Courses
Upcoming courses for this year: Please be aware of the following regarding ALL courses; Tickets must be purchased in advance from your...

Sensei Simon McMahon
Nov 14, 20093 min read
Sensei Jeff Sawyer Knife Defence Seminar
We arrived on a very wet and windy Saturday afternoon to what was promised to be the best knife defence course CFTS had ever had. As we...

Graham Wakley
Jul 10, 20091 min read
Sensei Randall Advanced Course - July 2009
Sensei Randall held an advanced course for Brown belts and above on the 11th of July. Sensei Michael Randall M.B.E was the fourth person...

Sensei Simon McMahon
May 15, 20092 min read
Shihan Holmes Kobo Jitsu Course - May 2009
There was a fantastic turnout at a thoroughly enjoyable course hosted by CFTS, held at the usual course dojo in Kempston on May 16th. The...

Renshi Kidby
Feb 14, 20092 min read
Shihan Sahota Kumite Course - February 2009
On Saturday 14th February, Sensei Sahota (7th Dan) visited us to conduct a Kumite course. After some warmups we got stuck into some...
Renshi Kidby
Jan 1, 20091 min read
2009 Courses
Upcoming courses for this year: Please be aware of the following regarding ALL courses; Tickets must be purchased in advance from your...
Sensei Barry Nelson
Nov 15, 20082 min read
Shihan Finch Course - November 2008
Shihan Craig Finch 6th Dan returned to take us on a Kumite and Bo staff course on the 15th November.. The course was split into 2 parts,...
Sensei Barry Nelson
May 16, 20082 min read
Sensei Randall Course - May 2008
Sensei Randall 8th Dan recently visited CFTS to take another course. As usual he put us through our paces and gave our brains a workout...
Sensei Simon McMahon
Feb 9, 20082 min read
Shihan Holmes Course - February 2008
Once again there was a unanimous request for Shihan Holmes to come back and give us another self-defence course. Shihan Holmes brought a...
Renshi Kidby
Jan 1, 20081 min read
2008 Courses
Upcoming courses for this year: Please be aware of the following regarding ALL courses; Tickets must be purchased in advance from your...
Sensei Chris Toms
Nov 17, 20072 min read
Sensei Sahota Course - November 2007
On Saturday the 17th November the young (and not so young!) gathered for the much anticipated Sensei Sahota course. The course was...
Renshi Kidby
May 18, 20072 min read
Family Self Defence Seminar
On May 19th, at our usual course venue, a large number of students and their families attended a self-defence seminar taken by 6th dan...
Sensei Jan Wilson
Apr 27, 20072 min read
Sensei Randall Course - April 2007
A sunny Saturday afternoon and we are off to a karate course. Some might prefer to be in the garden or washing the car, but around 60...
Sensei Frances Livesey
Feb 24, 20073 min read
Sensei Bob Spour Course - February 2007
The course on Saturday 24th February by Sensei Bob Spour was slick, informative, witty, and very easy to understand. The interjector of...
Renshi Kidby
Jan 27, 20072 min read
Sensei Slue Freestyle Course - January 2007
At the usual course venue of Hastingsbury School in Kempston, around forty higher grades enjoyed a fantastic afternoon’s training. The...
Renshi Kidby
Jan 1, 20071 min read
2007 Courses
Upcoming courses for this year: Please be aware of the following regarding ALL courses; Tickets must be purchased in advance from your...

Renshi Kidby
Nov 18, 20061 min read
Sensei Randall (M.B.E.) Course - 2006
Once again we were treated to another course by Sensei Randall. After warm-ups we started with Okori-jiyu-ippon combinations (which...
Renshi Kidby
May 5, 20061 min read
Sensei Holmes Course - May 2006
Sensei Holmes gave us another very interesting and entertaining course - which was very much enjoyed by all that attended. Thanks again...

Renshi Kidby
Feb 18, 20062 min read
Shihan Finch Course - February 2006
We were lucky again to get Shihan Finch to take us on another course - this time covering some bo work and some self-defence techniques....