Sensei Katy Egginton
Oct 21, 20152 min read
Katy Egginton - My Shodan Experience
Back in January when I received the 2015 calendar I took note of the dates for the Dan grading. The nearer I got to March the more...
Sensei David Francis
Jul 14, 20153 min read
David Francis - My Shodan Experience
‘Chin Up! Hara forward’! ‘Don’t show your mistakes on your face’. ‘You will make mistakes, just keep going’. ‘Remember to control your...

Sensei Harry Prouse
Apr 13, 20151 min read
Harry Prouse - My Shodan Experience
I had only two weeks notice of my Shodan grading. Even though my Mum and Dad told me to learn all the history and theory, I had to learn...

Sensei Simon McMahon
Feb 10, 20151 min read
Matt Wing - My Shodan Experience
Having been a first Kyu in first Wado and then Shotokan, I had dreamed of achieving my Shodan for years, but I felt that some big change...

Sensei Dharmender Bhakar
Dec 18, 20141 min read
Dharmender Bhakar - My Shodan Experience
My Shodan experience was a very emotional journey. Physically and mentally it was very draining and I felt it was the toughest challenge...

Sensei Paul Comb
Oct 22, 20142 min read
My Shodan Experience - Sensei Paul Comb
Just before Christmas, I started training more at home and at Newton Longville just in case I got invited for my shodan grading in April....
Sensei Daniel Palcu
Oct 11, 20141 min read
Daniel Palcu - My Shodan Experience
I think that one can roughly split his/her days of the week in good ones and not so good ones. Basically that gives you 50% chances to...

Sensei David Thomas
Aug 5, 20142 min read
My Shodan Experience - David Thomas
5th April 2014, Shodan grading day. 7 years of Karate, 3 years a 1st Kyu, 12 months of revision and it all comes down to this… and I...

Sensei Zöe McMahon
Jun 9, 20143 min read
My Shodan Experience - Zöe McMahon
I was told in November 2013 by my Senseis that I was invited to grade for Shodan in April 2014. The first thing I remember feeling was...

Sensei Elliott Thomas
Apr 10, 20142 min read
My Shodan Experience - Elliott Thomas
Training for my black belt grading was like no other grading before; it required ten times the amount of work inside and outside of the...