Grading Syllabus
This is the CFTS grading syllabus for Kyu grades and Dan grades, including still images and videos of the Gohon, Sanbon, Kihon Ippon and Jiyu-Ippon kumite sets. Click on your desired level to see your grading syllabus.
There has to be a minimum time between gradings to allow the student enough dojo time to accumulate the knowledge and skills required to complete the next level, whilst still retaining the previous levels. Ordinarily it is three months between kyu gradings for adults, but juniors (under 14) must also achieve the intermediate level (after oramge belt) for each subsequent grading.
From purple&white belt, the student must be invited to grade by the club Sensei.
The following timescales are a minimum only, they can be longer and the grading is, as said before, by invitation only.
After brown belt, there is a minimum of 6 months before being invited to take brown&white belt.
After brown&white belt, there is a minimum of 9 months before being invited to take brown&red belt.
After brown&red belt, there is a minimum of 12 months before being invited to take shodan (1st level black belt).
For information on the CFTS philosophy on grading and training, please see this article by Renshi Kidby.

Kyu and Dan Grade Syllabus
Note: The intermediate grade syllabus is the same as the full grade syllabus. This is designed to give junior students (under 14's) an appropriate amount of time to train and reach the expected standard before achieving the full grade. There are some slight differences in the grading requirements but these are explained in each grading syllabus page.