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Dan Grading & AGM - Saturday 7th September 2024

Saturday the 7th September 2024 saw the second Dan grading of the year and the Dan Grade Annual General Meeting. Incorporated into this was the Child Safeguarding Course, a requirement for all Dan grades in CFTS.

Dan Grading

The Dan grading commenced at 09:30 with three candidates; Jen Currie, going for Nidan (second level black belt) and Angelo Chiodo and Mya Kang going for Shodan (first level black belt).

After some hours of hard fought kihon, kumite and kata, all three emerged triumphant and were awarded their new grades. Obtaining Shodan and Nidan is no mean feat, it takes months of preparation and hard training to become suitable for the actual grading

Thank you to the grading panel, Jan, Viv, Dan, Simon & Pam and to the assisting Dan grades, Katy, Lexi, Olivia and Lizzie who kept the candidates under pressure at all times.

The successful candidates, Mya, Angelo and Jen

The candidates with the grading panel

Dan Grade AGM

The remaining Dan grades arrived after midday for lunch before the meeting started at 12:30.

After the opening address, other areas discussed were;

  • Last year's minutes

  • Review of 2024

  • Calendar for 2025

  • Dan Grade kata classes

  • Competition day (for November)

  • Courses

  • Creation of a weapons syllabus for bo and possibly other weapons

  • Using the website for networking, for locating required skills

Discussion was fast and flowing and it was great to see the majority of the Dan grades getting involved and stating their opinions, which is the purpose of the AGM.

Child Safeguarding Course

A prerequisite of our federation insurance and licensing is to be trained in child safeguarding, even if you are not an instructor.

Sensei Pam McMahon took us through the procedures, identifying the Child Protection Officers and bringing us all up to speed on what is required from us both in and out of the dojo.

Copies of the slides were handed out along with a certificate of attendance.

On behalf of the Instructors Committee, thank you all for attending, your opinions and ideas are invaluable to us in the the successful running of our federation.

CFTS Instructors Committee 2024

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