On October 12th, CFTS Dan grades met up for the Annual General Meeting and training day. However with a new twist the day started with Senseis Saunders, Toms and Whitworth grading for San-dan (3rd level black belt). After a very arduous and demanding grading they were given a much needed rest.
They were then joined by the rest of CFTS dan grades and, over lunch, Sensei Mc Clagish convened the AGM. The meeting opened with various Dan-grade diplomas being awarded. Those receiving Shodan diplomas, after successfully completing their probationary period, were: Andrew Dyer, Clive Betts, Toby Spurrell and Kieren Grant. Those who received their diploma for Nidan (2nd level black belt) were Daniel Young and Andy Livesey.
San-dan diplomas were awarded to Senseis Simon McMahon, Pam Waterhouse and Andy Gillies. The candidates from the morning grading (Senseis Saunders, Toms and Whitworth) were also given their result and were awarded hastily written out San-dan diplomas. Many congratulations to all who were awarded their much deserved diplomas.
The meeting continued with reviewing last year’s minutes for the 2012 meeting and a look back at events, competitions and courses of 2013. The meeting then discussed various aspects of current importance, directing the future of CFTS and a look forward to next year’s calendar of events.

After the meeting was closed by Sensei McClagish, the room was prepared for a first aid course which is compulsory for all CFTS black belts. The main content was Life Support and CPR. Other karate dojo related emergency first aid issues were covered along with anything else the black belts asked to cover.
After a long, tiring, yet fruitful day, the CFTS black belts made their way home better informed, first aid trained, and some with a new grade to celebrate. Whatever your reason for attending the day, and whatever you put in or got out of the day, the higher grades and executive would like to thank all the black belts for giving up a Saturday in attending and for their input.
Chief Instructor Sensei Andy Kidby 7th Dan

Shodans - Andy Dyer, Clive Betts, Toby Spurrell, Kieran Grant

Nidans - Daniel Young, Andy Livesey

Sandans - Simon McMahon, James Saunders, Pam Waterhouse, Andy Gillies, Chris Toms, Luke Whitworth