Please be aware that for Jiyu Ippon Set 5, the counter that is applied after the sweep or takedown is completely free and is the defender's choice. The images shown here depict a 'possible' counter.
Also, the use of the arm to assist in the takedown can only account for about 30% of the manoeuvre; the sweep must be the deciding factor in the attacker going down.
Please remember, after the takedown, the choice of counter is your own!
Jodan attack
Attacker: Jiyu dachi (ready stance)
Defender: Jiyu dachi (ready stance)
Attacker: Step in jodan oi-zuki
Defender: Step back right teisho block to wrist
Defender: Grab wrist and right mawashigeri jodan
Defender: Withdraw right leg, grab wrist and shoulder
Defender: Right shin kick to groin or thigh
Defender: Perform own choice of takedown and counter. Move away remaining in jiyu dachi.
Chudan attack
Attacker: Jiyu dachi (ready stance)
Defender: Jiyu dachi (ready stance
Attacker: Step in chudan oi-zuki
Defender: Slide back, right downward teisho block to wrist, grab the gi
Defender: Right ushiro mawashigeri (jodan or chudan)
Defender: Keeping hand high, withdraw kicking leg
Defender: Sweep to back of calf
Defender: Control the arm when attacker is down
Close up of initial grab hand position
Defender: Change hand position to control the arm
Close up of new hand position
Defender: Perform own choice of counter
Defender: Move away remaining in jiyu dachi
Maegeri attack
Attacker: Jiyu dachi (ready stance)
Defender: Jiyu dachi (ready stance)
Attacker: Step in chudan maegeri
Defender: Left gedan kake uke
Defender: Left ashi barai to lower calf as attackers foot touches the ground; Left shuto across throat or chest to aid the sweep
Defender: The attacker goes down
Defender: Perform own choice of counter
Defender: Perform own choice of counter (close up)
Defender: Move away remaining in jiyu dachi
Kekomi attack
Attacker: Jiyu dachi (ready stance)
Defender: Jiyu dachi (ready stance)
Attacker: Step in right chudan kekomi
Defender: Left kake uke
Defender: Spin in and jodan ushiro mawashi empi
Note: Defenders leg in contact with attackers leg
Defender: Right shuto across throat, twist hips and takedown
Note: Right arm position is defenders choice
Defender: Control the attackers arm when on the ground
Defender: Perform own choice of counter
Defender: Perform own choice of counter (wrist lock shown here)
Defender: Move away remaining in jiyu-dachi
Mawashigeri attack
Attacker: Jiyu dachi (ready stance)
Defender: Jiyu dachi (ready stance)
Attacker: Step in right jodan mawashigeri
Defender: Slide back, left scooping block to attackers heel
Close up of hand position for scooping block
Defender: Guide attackers foot to floor, opening up their back
Defender: Left mawashigeri chudan
Defender: Right gyakazuki chudan
Defender: Grab attackers shoulder and left ashi barai to lower calf
Defender: Perform own choice of counter
Defender: Move away remaining in jiyu dachi