I first heard about Karate when my friend was telling me about it at school. I was quite intrigued so I came along to one of the training sessions at Clapham. Over time it has helped me with my mental well-being and fitness, I have made new friends of all ages. Karate for me is great for keeping fit and developing necessary skills for the future. I feel as though my determination to continue has allowed me to gain interest in not just karate, but in other martial arts in general. My club has been very supportive towards my grading which I am grateful for. I really do feel honoured to be part of such an exceptional club and association.
My shodan grading was hard and it took a tremendous amount of preparation and effort but it was definitely worth it. I was very nervous before hand but I tried to treat it like a training session, doing this helped me overcome my nerves and perform to my best ability. After the grading I felt very relieved and happy to have passed. And I hope to go ahead and expand my karate career further in the future.
10th Kyu - 11/3/12
9th Kyu – 17/6/12
8th Kyu – 16/9/12
7th Int – 2/12/12
7th Kyu - 3/3/13
6th Int – 9/6/13
6th Kyu – 9/6/13
5th Int – 22/9/13
5th Kyu – 8/12/13
4th Int – 2/3/13
4th Kyu – 2/3/13
3rd Int – 14/6/14
3rd Kyu – 7/12/14
2nd Kyu – 14/6/15
1st Kyu – 24/5/16
Shodan – 6/10/18
Courses Attended
18/5/13 – Bo Jittsu
8/2/14 – Minh Chung Shotokai
18/5/14 – CFTS Executive
7/2/15 – Minh Chung Shotokai
17/5/15 – Bo jittsu
??????? – Shihan Elena Flores Kata & Kumite seminar
12/11/16 – Andi Kidd bunkai course
4/2/17 – Shihan Elena Flores
8/7/17 – Sensei Holmes
1/11/17 – Shihan Kidd Environmental training
3/2/18 – Rob Howell Wado Ryu