Once again across the two area of CFTS, students met for the final grading of 2022. The gradings are fast becoming like days of old and one day maybe both areas will be grading together but until then, we continue as we are.
Bedford Area Grading Report Saturday 3rd December 2022
A large number of students from across the Bedford gathered for the final 2022 grading on the 3rd December. Unlike September we weren’t locked out and were able to get into the hall on time!
Once in and warmed up, students were given a pre-grading lesson (some might say it was a proper work out!) from Sensei Young, which included basics, kumite and kata for everyone. Lower grades were given the chance to see some higher kyu grade kata that they would not normally get to see in class.
After training, a letter was read out on behalf of Shihan McClagish and the CFTS Instructors Committee and the club trophies were presented.
The standard of students grading was very high, there was great effort and spirit from all candidates. So, congratulations to all who graded and keep up the hard work because March will be here before you know it!
A big thank you to the dan grades who assisted on the day and the higher kyu grades who stayed around to assist in sparring where needed.
Sensei Young
Milton Keynes Area Grading Report Sunday 4th December 2022
The return to a normal grading scenario is fast becoming a reality. We now grade in bigger grade groups, allowing students to do a warm up lesson beforehand and having more family and friends in attendance.
It also allows us to include more dan grades in the event, using their talents in the warm ups, initial lessons, administrative duties and some judging for the higher level dan grades.
The numbers were up on the September grading and the confidence and committment was there in abundance. The standards were again high with the students keen to show what they had learnt.
The letter from Shihan McClagish detailing the recent changes to CFTS had previously been sent out so the students were aware, even though it didn't really affect them in many ways.
So well done to all that graded, thanks to parents and family for showing their support and thanks again to the dan grades for their invaluable assistance.
Senseis McMahon
Trophy Winners for the Quarter

Alex Hanke (Bletchley)

James Hook (Newton Longville)

Oliver Cross (Clapham)

Caleb Kendrick (Kempston), Lizzie Litchfield (Brickhill) and Oliver Cross (Clapham)
Some images of the Bedford area gradings