The most recent kyu gradings too place over the very warm weekend of June 13th and 14th. Most students departed happy having been awarded the next belt on their journey towards a black one. A couple, though, were not as fortunate and left knowing that they had more work and practice to do to achieve the desired level to pass. It is worth remembering, yet again, that one has to earn the right to grade and pass, it is not a right having just served the correct amount of time since previously grading. To train hard and practice diligently brings its rewards. As Renshi has said many times, it isn’t the belt you wear that is important it is how good you are, and it is how far you have improved that is of paramount importance.
After the pre-grading training Renshi said his usual words about why we award a trophy to the best karate-ka of each club and went on to award the trophies to:
Henry Irwin from Brickhill club
Amelia Wolf of Ampthill club
Agjier Na-ah of Bletchley
Rashaan Hersi of Bushfield
Louis Cooke of Cedars
Emma Rosher from Kempston
Christopher Briggs of Newport Pagnell
Sam McKoy of Newton Longville
Sarah Whitworth of Clapham.
After presenting the trophies Renshi told us that Sensei Andy Gillies was taking part in the 40th running of the London to Brighton Anniversary Cycle Ride. It is Sensei’s fourth time and knows what he is letting himself in for. Whilst cycling there he is raising funds for the British Heart Foundation. Cardiovascular disease causes a quarter of all deaths in the UK, over 160,000 a year costing over £19 billion! Sensei Gillies rode his bike around Bletchley Leisure Centre main hall as Renshi promoted his fund raising and then passed around a bucket which over the weekend raised £200. Well done and thanks to all who contributed. If you missed out and would like to contribute please visit his just giving page. Good luck, Sensei Gillies; remember your Vaseline!
Renshi then went on to say how pleased he was to announce the Sensei Andi Kidd bunkai Course. It is his first visit to CFTS but it is a much anticipated course by all the black belts. It is to be held at the Bunyan Sports Centre on Saturday 11th July (2.30 to 5pm) at a cost of £18. (Families £40) He said he was sure everyone would enjoy the course and have their eyes opened to another point of view by an excellent instructor who has a vast wealth of knowledge. Please do all you can to attend and so enhance your experience, knowledge and training. Please feel free to bring friends who train in other styles of karate. Remember to bring your licence to have it stamped on the day.