All students should be aware of the Japanese names for the various parts of the body, but they will not be tested on them until their Shodan grading, with additional vocabulary being added at Nidan level. The following table, and the images below, outline the most important ones that should be known and understood. If you are unsure on pronunciation, ask your sensei for more information.
The images are also available as a Fill-In-The-Blanks worksheet for if you wish to test yourself! The download links are at the bottom of the page.
Japanese Terminology | English Translation |
ago | jaw |
ashi | leg/foot |
ashi yubi | toes |
ashikubi | ankle |
atama | top of head |
chusoku | ball of foot |
empi | elbow |
gan (you can also use 'me', pronounced 'meh') | eye |
haiwan | back of the arm |
hana | nose |
hara | abdomen / stomach |
haisoku | instep |
hidari te | left hand |
hiji | point of elbow |
hiza | knee |
hizagashira | kneecap |
hiza kansetsu | knee joint |
kakato | heel of foot |
kakuto | heel of hand |
kami | hair |
kasumi | temple |
kata | shoulder |
koshi | hip |
koshi | ball of foot |
kote | wrist |
kubi | neck |
kuchi | mouth |
kuchiburu | lips |
matsukaze | side of neck |
migi te | right hand |
mimi | ears |
momo | thigh |
mune | chest |
nodo | throat |
sebone | back / spine |
seiken | forefist - first two knuckles |
sokko | top of foot |
sokutei | sole of foot |
sokuto | edge of foot (kekomi) |
suigetsu | solar plexus |
sune | shin |
te | hand |
fingers | |
tsumasaki | tips of fingers |
ude | forearm |
ude kansetsu | arm joint |
wan | arm |
yobo | face |
yubi | toe / finger |
yubisaki | fingertips |
